Available rocks

Lua modules available from this location for use with LuaRocks:

acme-client - Lua module ACME(v2)-client for Tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD2

2.0.1-1: rockspec
1.0.0-1: rockspec

argon2 - Tarantool C binding for the Argon2 password hashing function

External dependencies: tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: MIT

3.0.1-1: rockspec

argparse - A feature-rich command-line argument parser

Argparse supports positional arguments, options, flags, optional arguments, subcommands and more. Argparse automatically generates usage, help and error messages.
latest sources | project homepage | License: MIT

0.6.0-1: rockspec
0.5.0-1: rockspec

authman - Auth module for Tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: MIT

scm-1: rockspec

avro-schema - Apache Avro schema tools for Tarantool

External dependencies: tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD

scm-1: rockspec
3.1.0-1: rockspec
3.0.6-1: rockspecsrc
3.0.5-1: rockspec
3.0.4-1: rockspec
3.0.3-1: rockspec
3.0.2-1: rockspec
3.0.1-1: rockspec
3.0.0-1: rockspec
2.3.2-1: rockspec
2.3.1-2: rockspec
2.3.0-2: rockspec
2.2.3-2: rockspec
2.2.2-2: rockspec
2.2.1-2: rockspec
2.2.0-2: rockspec
2.1.1-1: rockspec
2.1.0-1: rockspec
2.0.1-1: rockspec

cartridge -

External dependencies: tarantool

latest sources | License: N/A

scm-1: rockspec
2.15.1-1: allrockspec
2.15.0-1: allrockspec
2.14.0-1: allrockspec
2.13.0-1: allrockspec
2.12.4-1: allrockspec
2.12.3-1: allrockspec
2.12.2-1: allrockspec
2.12.1-1: allrockspec
2.12.0-1: allrockspec
2.11.0-1: allrockspec
2.10.0-1: allrockspec
2.9.0-1: allrockspec
2.8.6-1: allrockspec
2.8.5-1: allrockspec
2.8.4-1: allrockspec
2.8.3-1: allrockspec
2.8.2-1: allrockspec
2.8.1-1: allrockspec
2.8.0-1: allrockspec
2.7.9-1: allrockspec
2.7.8-1: allrockspec
2.7.7-1: allrockspec
2.7.6-1: allrockspec
2.7.5-1: allrockspec
2.7.4-1: allrockspec
2.7.3-1: allrockspec
2.7.2-1: allrockspec
2.7.1-1: allrockspec
2.7.0-1: allrockspec
2.6.0-1: allrockspec
2.5.1-1: allrockspec
2.5.0-1: allrockspec
2.4.0-1: allrockspec
2.3.0-1: allrockspec
2.2.1-1: allrockspec
2.2.0-1: allrockspec
2.1.2-1: allrockspec
2.1.1-1: allrockspec
2.0.2-1: allrockspec
2.0.1-1: allrockspec
2.0.0-1: allrockspec
1.2.0-1: allrockspec
1.1.0-1: allrockspec
1.0.0-1: allrockspec

cartridge-cli -

External dependencies: tarantool

latest sources | License: N/A

scm-1: rockspec
1.8.3-1: rockspec
1.8.2-1: rockspec
1.8.1-1: rockspec
1.8.0-1: rockspec
1.7.0-1: rockspec
1.6.0-1: rockspec
1.5.0-1: rockspec
1.4.2-1: rockspec
1.4.1-1: rockspec
1.4.0-1: rockspec
1.3.2-1: rockspec
1.3.1-1: rockspec
1.3.0-1: rockspec
1.2.1-1: rockspec
1.2.0-1: rockspec
1.1.0-1: rockspec
1.0.0-1: rockspec

cartridge-cli-extensions -

latest sources | License: N/A

scm-1: rockspec
1.1.2-1: rockspec
1.1.1-1: rockspec
1.1.0-1: rockspec
1.0.0-1: rockspec

cartridge-extensions - Tarantool opensource cartridge-extensions module

A ready-to-use Lua module cartridge-extensions for tarantool-cartridge.
latest sources | project homepage | License: N/A

scm-1: rockspec
1.1.0-1: allrockspec

cartridge-metrics-role - A role for collecting metrics in Tarantool Cartridge

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD

scm-1: rockspec
0.1.1-1: rockspec
0.1.0-1: rockspec

cbench - Simple tool to benchmark Tarantool internal API

Tarantool C Bench is a simple tool to benchmark Tarantool internal API. Tarantool (http://tarantool.org) is an efficient in-memory NoSQL database and a Lua application server, blended.

The tool is used internally by Tarantool team to check for performance regressions during development cycle. All workloads are written in C++. Lua (FFI) is only used to load & run workloads and display results (does not affect performance).
latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD

scm-1: rockspec

checks - Easy, terse, readable and fast function arguments type checking

This library declares a `checks()` function and a `checkers` table, which allow to check the parameters passed to a Lua function in a fast and unobtrusive way.
latest sources | project homepage | License: MIT

scm-1: rockspec
3.3.0-1: rockspec
3.2.0-1: rockspec
3.1.0-1: allrockspec
3.0.1-1: rockspec
3.0.0-1: rockspec
2.1.1-1: rockspec
2.1.0-1: rockspec
2.0.2-1: rockspec
2.0.1-1: rockspec
2.0.0-1: rockspec
1.1.0-1: rockspec
1.0.0-1: rockspec

config - Tarantool app configurator

This module allows you to configure your Tarantool apps from configuration files, command line arguments and environment variables.

It gives you the ability to mix and match different ways of configuration, so your app can work unmodified during local development, as a systemd service, or as part of Docker image.
latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD

scm-1: rockspec
0.1.0-1: rockspec

connpool - Net box connection pool for Tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD

scm-1: rockspec
1.1.1-1: rockspec

cron-parser - Cron Parser Lua Wrapper

cron_parser is a Lua wrapper of ccronexpr C library. It parses a cron-format schedule and calculates the nearest event date.
latest sources | project homepage | License: Apache 2.0

scm-1: rockspec
1.0.0-1: rockspec

crud -

latest sources | License: BSD

scm-1: rockspec
1.5.2-1: rockspec
1.5.1-1: rockspec
1.5.0-1: rockspec
1.4.3-1: rockspec
1.4.2-1: rockspec
1.4.1-1: rockspec
1.4.0-1: rockspec
1.3.0-1: rockspec
1.2.0-1: rockspec
1.1.1-1: rockspec
1.1.0-1: rockspec
1.0.0-1: rockspec
0.14.1-1: rockspec
0.14.0-1: rockspec
0.13.0-1: rockspec
0.12.1-1: rockspec
0.12.0-1: rockspec
0.11.3-1: rockspec
0.11.2-1: rockspec
0.11.1-1: rockspec
0.11.0-1: rockspec
0.10.0-1: rockspec
0.9.0-1: rockspec
0.8.0-1: rockspec
0.7.1-1: rockspec
0.7.0-1: rockspec
0.6.0-1: rockspec
0.5.0-1: rockspec
0.4.0-1: rockspec
0.3.0-1: rockspec
0.2.0-1: rockspec
0.1.0-1: rockspec

date - Date & Time module for Lua 5.x

Pure Lua Date & Time module for Lua 5.x featuring date and time string parsing, time addition & subtraction, time span calculation, support for ISO 8601 dates, local time support, strftime-like formatting.
latest sources | project homepage | License: MIT

2.1.2-2: rockspec

ddl - Tarantool opensource DDL module

A ready-to-use Lua module ddl for tarantool.

External dependencies: tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: N/A

scm-1: rockspec
1.7.1-1: allrockspec
1.7.0-1: allrockspec
1.6.5-1: allrockspec
1.6.4-1: allrockspec
1.6.3-1: allrockspec
1.6.2-1: allrockspec
1.6.1-1: allrockspec
1.6.0-1: allrockspec
1.5.0-1: allrockspec
1.4.0-1: allrockspec
1.3.0-1: allrockspec
1.2.0-1: rockspec
1.1.0-1: rockspec
1.0.0-1: rockspec
0.0.2-1: rockspec

document - Effortless JSON storage for Tarantool

Using this module you can store and retrieve dictionaries with very little overhead. It figures out document schema on the fly, and progressively updates it when new fields are received.
latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD2

scm-1: rockspec
1.0.1-1: rockspec
1.0.0-1: rockspec

dump - Logical dump and restore for Tarantool

Logical backups are the only true backups.
latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD2

scm-1: rockspec

errors - Convenient error handling in tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD

scm-1: rockspec
2.2.1-1: allrockspec
2.2.0-1: allrockspec
2.1.5-1: allrockspec
2.1.4-1: allrockspec
2.1.3-1: allrockspec
2.1.2-1: rockspec
2.1.1-1: rockspec

expirationd - Expiration daemon for Tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD2

scm-1: rockspec
1.6.0-1: allrockspec
1.5.0-1: allrockspec
1.4.0-1: allrockspec
1.3.1-1: allrockspec
1.3.0-1: allrockspec
1.2.0-1: allrockspec
1.1.1-1: allrockspec
1.1.0-1: allrockspec
1.0.1-1: rockspec

frontend-core -

latest sources | License: N/A

scm-1: rockspec
8.2.2-1: allrockspec
8.2.1-1: allrockspec
8.1.2-1: allrockspec
8.1.1-1: allrockspec
8.1.0-1: allrockspec
8.0.5-1: allrockspec
8.0.4-1: allrockspec
8.0.3-1: allrockspec
8.0.2-1: allrockspec
8.0.1-1: allrockspec
8.0.0-1: allrockspec
7.12.1-1: allrockspec
7.12.0-1: allrockspec
7.11.0-1: allrockspec
7.10.0-1: allrockspec
7.9.1-1: allrockspec
7.9.0-1: allrockspec
7.8.0-1: allrockspec
7.7.0-1: allrockspec
7.6.0-1: allrockspec
7.5.0-1: allrockspec
7.4.0-1: allrockspec
7.3.0-1: allrockspec
7.2.0-1: allrockspec
7.1.0-1: allrockspec
7.0.0-1: allrockspec
6.5.1-1: allrockspec
6.5.0-1: allrockspec
6.4.0-1: allrockspec
6.3.0-1: allrockspec
6.2.0-1: allrockspec
6.1.1-1: allrockspec
6.0.2-1: allrockspec
6.0.1-1: allrockspec
5.0.2-1: allrockspec

gis - GIS module for tarantool

GIS module for tarantool
latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD

scm-1: rockspec
1.0.1-1: rockspec
1.0.0-1: rockspec

gperftools - Bindings for Google Performnace Tools CPU profiler

External dependencies: gperftools

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD

scm-1: rockspec
1.0.1-1: rockspec

graphite - Export Tarantool application metrics to Graphite

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD2

scm-1: rockspec
0.0.1-1: rockspec

graphql - GraphQL implementation for Tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: MIT

scm-1: rockspec
0.3.0-1: allrockspec
0.2.0-1: allrockspec
0.1.4-1: allrockspec
0.1.3-1: rockspecsrc
0.1.2-1: rockspecsrc
0.1.1-1: rockspecsrc
0.1.0-1: rockspecsrc

graphqlapi - GraphQL API backend module for Tarantool and Tarantool Cartridge

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD

scm-1: rockspec
0.0.11-1: allrockspec
0.0.10-1: allrockspec
0.0.9-1: allrockspec
0.0.8-1: allrockspec
0.0.7-1: allrockspec
0.0.6-1: allrockspec
0.0.5-1: allrockspec
0.0.4-1: allrockspec
0.0.3-1: allrockspec

graphqlide - GraphQL IDE frontend module for Tarantool and Tarantool Cartridge

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD

scm-1: rockspec
0.0.21-1: allrockspec
0.0.20-1: allrockspec
0.0.19-1: allrockspec
0.0.18-1: allrockspec
0.0.17-1: allrockspec
0.0.16-1: allrockspec
0.0.15-1: allrockspec

http - HTTP server for Tarantool

External dependencies: tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD

scm-1: rockspec
1.7.0-1: rockspecsrc
1.6.0-1: rockspecsrc
1.5.0-1: rockspecsrc
1.4.0-1: rockspecsrc
1.3.0-1: rockspecsrc
1.2.0-1: rockspecsrc
1.1.1-1: rockspecsrc
1.1.0-1: rockspec
1.0.6-1: rockspec
1.0.5-1: rockspec
1.0.4-1: rockspec
1.0.3-1: rockspec
1.0.2-1: rockspec
1.0.1-1: rockspec

http-v2-legacy - HTTP v2 (legacy) server for Tarantool

External dependencies: tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD

scm-1: rockspec
2.1.1-1: rockspec
2.1.0-1: rockspec
2.0.1-1: rockspec
2.0.0-1: rockspec

icu-date - LuaJIT FFI bindings to ICU date/time

Module provides a robust date and time library that correctly and efficiently handles complexities of dealing with dates and times: - date and time formatting - date and time parsing - date and time arithmetic (adding and subtracting) - time zones - daylight saving time - leap years - ISO 8601 formatting and parsing
latest sources | project homepage | License: MIT

scm-1: rockspec
1.4.2-1: allrockspec
1.4.1-1: allrockspec
1.4.0-1: allrockspec
1.3.3-1: rockspec
1.3.2-1: rockspec
1.3.1-1: rockspec
1.3.0-1: rockspec
1.2.1-1: rockspec
1.2.0-1: rockspec
1.1.1-1: rockspec
1.1.0-1: rockspec

jsonpath - Query Lua data structures with JsonPath expressions. Robust and safe JsonPath engine for Lua.

This library implements Stefan Goessner's JsonPath syntax (http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/) in Lua.

Lua JsonPath is compatible with David Chester's Javascript implementation (https://github.com/dchester/jsonpath).

The Lua JsonPath library was written from scratch by Frank Edelhaeuser. It's a pure Lua implementation based on a PEG grammer handled by LulPeg pattern-matching library (https://github.com/pygy/LuLPeg.git).
latest sources | project homepage | License: MIT

1.0.1-1: rockspec

kafka - Kafka library for Tarantool

External dependencies: tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: Apache

scm-1: rockspec
1.6.9-1: rockspecsrc
1.6.8-1: rockspecsrc
1.6.7-1: rockspecsrc
1.6.6-1: rockspecsrc
1.6.5-1: rockspecsrc
1.6.4-1: rockspecsrc
1.6.3-1: rockspecsrc
1.6.2-1: rockspec
1.6.1-1: rockspec
1.6.0-1: rockspec
1.5.2-1: rockspec
1.5.1-1: rockspec
1.5.0-1: rockspec
1.4.2-1: rockspec
1.4.1-1: rockspec
1.4.0-1: rockspec
1.3.1-1: rockspec
1.3.0-1: rockspec
1.2.0-1: rockspec
1.1.0-0: rockspec
1.0.2-1: rockspec
1.0.1-1: rockspec
1.0.0-1: rockspec
0.5.0-1: rockspec

ldecnumber - Decimal Arithmetic package for Tarantool

The ldecNumber package implements the General Decimal Arithmetic Specification. This specification defines a decimal arithmetic which meets the requirements of commercial, financial, and human-oriented applications. It also matches the decimal arithmetic in the IEEE 754 Standard for Floating Point Arithmetic.

External dependencies: tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: ICU1.8.1

scm-1: rockspec
1.1.3-1: rockspec
1.1.2-1: rockspec
1.0.0-1: rockspec

lpeglabel - Parsing Expression Grammars For Lua with Labeled Failures

LPegLabel is a conservative extension of the LPeg library that provides an implementation of Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs) with labeled failures. By using labeled failures we can properly report syntactical errors. We can also recover from such errors by describing a grammar rule with the same name of a given label. LPegLabel also reports the farthest failure position in case of an ordinary failure.
latest sources | project homepage | License: MIT/X11

1.6.0-1: rockspecsrc
1.5.0-1: src

Lrexlib-PCRE - Regular expression library binding (PCRE flavour).

Lrexlib is a regular expression library for Lua 5.1-5.3, which provides bindings for several regular expression libraries. This rock provides the PCRE bindings.

External dependencies: pcre

latest sources | project homepage | License: MIT/X11

2.9.0-1: rockspec

Lrexlib-PCRE2 - Regular expression library binding (PCRE2 flavour).

Lrexlib is a regular expression library for Lua 5.1-5.3, which provides bindings for several regular expression libraries. This rock provides the PCRE2 bindings.

External dependencies: pcre2

latest sources | project homepage | License: MIT/X11

2.9.0-1: rockspec

lua-term - Terminal functions for Lua

latest sources | project homepage | License: MIT/X11

0.7-1: rockspec

luacheck - A static analyzer and a linter for Lua

Luacheck is a command-line tool for linting and static analysis of Lua code. It is able to spot usage of undefined global variables, unused local variables and a few other typical problems within Lua programs.
latest sources | project homepage | License: MIT

scm-1: rockspec
0.26.0-1: rockspec
0.25.0-1: rockspec
0.24.0-1: rockspec

luacov - Coverage analysis tool for Lua scripts

LuaCov is a simple coverage analysis tool for Lua scripts. When a Lua script is run with the luacov module, it generates a stats file. The luacov command-line script then processes this file generating a report indicating which code paths were not traversed, which is useful for verifying the effectiveness of a test suite.
latest sources | project homepage | License: MIT

0.13.0-1: rockspec

luacov-console - Combine luacov with your development cycle and CI

Combine luacov with your development cycle and CI
latest sources | project homepage | License: MIT

1.1.0-1: rockspec

luacov-reporters - Sonarqube reporter for luacov

latest sources | project homepage | License: MIT

scm-1: rockspec
0.1.0-1: allrockspec

LuaFileSystem - File System Library for the Lua Programming Language

LuaFileSystem is a Lua library developed to complement the set of functions related to file systems offered by the standard Lua distribution. LuaFileSystem offers a portable way to access the underlying directory structure and file attributes.
latest sources | License: MIT/X11

1.7.0-2: rockspec

luagraphqlparser - Lua graphql parser

Lua port of libgraphqlparser
latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD2

0.2.0-1: rockspecsrc
0.1.0-1: rockspec

luarapidxml - Fast XML parsing module for Tarantool

External dependencies: tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD2

2.0.2-1: rockspecsrc
2.0.1-1: rockspecsrc
2.0.0-1: rockspec
1.1.0-1: rockspec

luatest - Tool for testing tarantool applications

External dependencies: tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: MIT

scm-1: rockspec
1.0.1-1: allrockspec
1.0.0-1: allrockspec
0.5.7-1: allrockspec
0.5.6-1: allrockspec
0.5.5-1: allrockspec
0.5.4-1: allrockspec
0.5.3-1: allrockspec
0.5.2-1: allrockspec
0.5.1-1: rockspec
0.5.0-1: rockspec
0.4.0-1: rockspec
0.3.0-1: rockspec
0.2.2-1: rockspec
0.2.0-1: rockspec
0.1.1-1: rockspec

lulpeg - LuLPeg

LuLPeg, a pure Lua port of LPeg, Roberto Ierusalimschy's Parsing Expression Grammars library. Copyright (C) Pierre-Yves Gerardy.
latest sources | License: The Romantic WTF public license

scm-3: rockspec
0.1.2-1: rockspec
0.1.1-1: rockspec
0.1.0-1: rockspec

membership -

External dependencies: tarantool

latest sources | License: N/A

scm-1: rockspec
2.5.1-1: allrockspec
2.5.0-1: allrockspec
2.4.6-1: allrockspec
2.4.5-1: allrockspec
2.4.4-1: allrockspec
2.4.3-1: allrockspec
2.4.2-1: allrockspec
2.4.1-1: allrockspec
2.4.0-1: allrockspec
2.3.2-1: allrockspec
2.3.1-1: allrockspec
2.2.0-1: rockspec
2.1.4-1: rockspec
2.1.3-1: rockspec

memcached - Memcached protocol module for tarantool

Memcached protocol module for tarantool
latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD

scm-1: rockspec
1.1.2-1: rockspecsrc
1.1.1-1: rockspecsrc
1.1.0-1: rockspecsrc
1.0.1-1: rockspec
1.0.0-1: rockspec

metrics - A centralized system for collecting and manipulating metrics from multiple clients

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD

scm-1: rockspec
1.3.0-1: rockspec
1.2.0-1: rockspec
1.1.0-1: rockspec
1.0.0-1: rockspec
0.17.0-1: rockspec
0.16.0-1: rockspec
0.15.1-1: rockspec
0.15.0-1: rockspec
0.14.0-1: rockspec
0.13.0-1: rockspec
0.12.0-1: rockspec
0.11.0-1: rockspec
0.10.0-1: rockspec
0.9.0-1: rockspec
0.8.0-1: rockspec
0.7.1-1: rockspec
0.7.0-1: rockspec
0.6.1-1: rockspec
0.6.0-1: rockspec
0.5.0-1: rockspec
0.4.0-1: rockspec
0.3.0-1: rockspec
0.2.0-1: rockspec
0.1.8-1: rockspec
0.1.7-1: rockspec
0.1.6-1: rockspec
0.1.5-1: rockspec
0.1.4-1: rockspec
0.1.3-1: rockspec
0.1.2-1: rockspec
0.1.1-1: rockspec
0.1.0-1: rockspec

metrics-export-role - The Tarantool 3 role for metrics export via HTTP

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD2

scm-1: rockspec
0.3.0-1: allrockspec
0.2.0-1: allrockspec
0.1.0-1: allrockspec

migrate - Tarantool module for Migrating from 1.5 version to 1.6

External dependencies: msgpuck, small, tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD

scm-1: rockspec

migrations -

latest sources | License: N/A

scm-1: rockspec
1.0.2-1: allrockspec
1.0.1-1: allrockspec
1.0.0-1: allrockspec
0.7.0-1: allrockspec
0.6.0-1: allrockspec
0.5.0-1: allrockspec
0.4.2-1: allrockspec
0.4.1-1: allrockspec
0.4.0-1: allrockspec
0.3.1-1: allrockspec
0.3.0-1: allrockspec
0.2.0-1: allrockspec

moonwalker - Iterate over box.space and make updates without freezing db

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD

scm-1: rockspec

mqtt - Mqtt connector for Tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD

scm-1: rockspec
1.5.1-1: rockspec
1.5.0-1: rockspec
1.4.0-1: rockspec
1.2.1-1: rockspec

mrasender - Send message to Mail.Ru Agent from Tarantool

Send message to Mail.Ru Agent from Tarantool

External dependencies: tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD

scm-1: rockspec

mysql - MySQL connector for Tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD

scm-1: rockspec
2.1.3-1: rockspec
2.1.2-1: rockspec
2.1.1-1: rockspec
2.1.0-1: rockspec
2.0.1-1: rockspec

pg - PostgreSQL connector for Tarantool

External dependencies: tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD

scm-1: rockspec
2.0.2-1: rockspec
2.0.1-1: rockspec

prometheus - Prometheus library to collect metrics from Tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD

scm-1: rockspec
1.0.4-1: rockspec
1.0.3-1: rockspec
1.0.2-1: rockspec
1.0.1-1: rockspec
1.0.0-1: rockspec

queue - A set of persistent in-memory queues

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD

scm-1: rockspec
1.4.3-1: allrockspec
1.4.2-1: allrockspec
1.4.1-1: allrockspec
1.4.0-1: allrockspec
1.3.3-1: allrockspec
1.3.2-1: allrockspec
1.3.1-1: allrockspec
1.3.0-1: allrockspec
1.2.5-1: allrockspec
1.2.2-1: allrockspec
1.2.1-1: allrockspec
1.2.0-1: rockspec
1.1.0-1: rockspec
1.0.8-1: rockspec
1.0.7-1: rockspec
1.0.6-1: rockspec
1.0.5-1: rockspec
1.0.4-1: rockspec
1.0.3-1: rockspec
1.0.2-1: rockspec

shard - Lua sharding for Tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD

scm-1: rockspec
2.1-1: rockspec
2.0-1: rockspec
1.2-1: rockspec

sharded-queue -

External dependencies: tarantool

latest sources | License: N/A

scm-1: rockspec
1.0.0-1: allrockspec
0.1.1-1: allrockspec
0.1.0-1: allrockspec

smtp - SMTP client module for Tarantool

A smtp module to send email via smtp servers.

External dependencies: tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD2

scm-1: rockspec
0.0.7-1: rockspecsrc
0.0.6-1: rockspecsrc
0.0.5-1: rockspec
0.0.4-1: rockspec
0.0.3-1: rockspec
0.0.2-1: rockspec

sqlparser - SQL parser for LuaJIT

An SQL parser for LuaJIT. It takes an SQL string as an input and returns an AST. The project is based on Hyrise SQL parser. It uses FFI to communicate with it.
latest sources | project homepage | License: MIT

scm-1: rockspec

stat - Statistic module for Tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD

scm-1: rockspec
0.3.2-1: rockspec
0.3.1-1: rockspec
0.3.0-1: rockspec

tarantool-lsp -

latest sources | License:

0.0.2-1: all
0.0.1-1: all

template - Templating Engine (HTML) for Tarantool

template is a compiling (HTML) templating engine for Tarantool
latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD

2.0-1: rockspec

tnt-kafka - Kafka library for Tarantool

External dependencies: rdkafka, tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: Apache

0.4.1-1: rockspec

tracing - Lua platform API for OpenTracing

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD

scm-1: rockspec
0.1.1-1: rockspec

tuple-keydef - Compare tuples, extract keys and so on

External dependencies: tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD2

scm-1: rockspec
0.0.4-1: rockspecsrc
0.0.3-1: rockspecsrc
0.0.2-1: rockspecsrc
0.0.1-1: rockspec

tuple-merger - Cross-version merger support module for Tarantool

External Luarock module for efficient merger. Supposed to be used for any LTS and fresh version available be it 1.x or 2.x. Created upon Tarantool 2.x box version.

External dependencies: tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD2

scm-1: rockspec
0.0.5-1: rockspecsrc
0.0.4-1: rockspecsrc
0.0.3-1: rockspecsrc
0.0.2-1: rockspecsrc
0.0.1-1: rockspec

vshard - The new generation of sharding based on virtual buckets

External dependencies: tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD

scm-1: rockspec
0.1.32-1: allrockspec
0.1.31-1: allrockspec
0.1.30-1: allrockspec
0.1.29-1: allrockspec
0.1.28-1: allrockspec
0.1.27-1: allrockspec
0.1.26-1: allrockspec
0.1.25-1: allrockspec
0.1.24-1: all
0.1.23-1: all
0.1.22-1: rockspec
0.1.21-1: allrockspec
0.1.20-1: src
0.1.19-1: rockspecsrc
0.1.18-1: allrockspecsrc
0.1.17-1: allrockspecsrc
0.1.16-1: rockspecsrc
0.1.15-1: src
0.1.14-1: rockspec
0.1.13-1: rockspec
0.1.12-1: rockspec
0.1.11-1: rockspec
0.1.10-1: rockspec
0.1.9-1: rockspecsrc
0.1.8-1: rockspec
0.1.7-1: rockspec
0.1.6-1: rockspec
0.1.5-1: rockspec
0.1.4-1: rockspec
0.1.3-1: rockspec
0.1.2-1: rockspec
0.1.1-1: rockspec

watchdog - Simple watchdog module for Tarantool

External dependencies: tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD2

scm-2: rockspec
scm-1: rockspec
1.1.1-1: rockspecsrc
1.1.0-1: rockspecsrc
1.0.2-1: rockspec
1.0.1-1: rockspec
1.0.0-1: rockspec

websocket - Lua websocket implementation

Provides websocket server and client - socket style api - custom http handshake - ping/pong - graceful shutdown
latest sources | project homepage | License: MIT

0.0.2-1: rockspec
0.0.1-1: rockspec

zookeeper - ZooKeeper connector for Tarantool

latest sources | project homepage | License: BSD

scm-1: rockspec

manifest fileLua 5.1 manifest file (zip) • Lua 5.2 manifest file (zip) • Lua 5.3 manifest file (zip) • Lua 5.4 manifest file (zip)